

Sunday Night Light Bulb

I am beginning to think nothing could be more true.

I drove home last night spur of the moment to have dinner with my family. Once dinner was long over, I found myself in the living room with my mom, dad and brother watching the Country Music Awards. As I was sitting there at home on a Sunday night, my mind was racing with all I had to do the upcoming week. Assignments that were soon due, deadlines approaching, impending interview results, the 9 practices and 1 race that separated me from my shortened Easter break.

 I was at home with my family, relaxing in the living room as the rain fell outside, watching and listening to beautiful country music, and I was becoming more anxious and overwhelmed by the second. Something my brother had said got my dad laughing, and his big burst of laughter snapped me out of it, and I began to think- what the heck am I doing?

So often we find ourselves wrapped up in the ten thousand responsibilities we have, theres hardly time to breath! My friend Cate just recently posted about something similar, reading through her post I began to realize something, if we are always so inundated with thinking about everything we need to do, or will soon have to do, how will we every be able to enjoy and take pride out of what we have already done!

This was just a reminder to me that as hard as we work, striving daily for the successes we dream of- we have to be sure to acknowledged the deserved time to feel pride and joy from the accomplishments we do achieve- before we move straight to the next thing on the list!

Life is made up of a million small accomplishments and experiences, sometimes we forget to enjoy each and every one of them because we are too caught up in making sure the "end result" is how we envision and plan for it to be.

As I grow up, the more I realize that there is so much more to life than creating the perfect "end result," and I know for a fact I would rather take the time to enjoy and take pride out of everything I work for along the way, then arrive at my end result without having taken a second to stop and smile.

Love what you do, what you experience and what you see- all the happy and sad, good and bad- take time to feel the emotions, because at the end of the day nothing else will be more worth it or important to you if you didn't take the time to feel it.

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