

Living Vicariously!

A peak into life in Madrid!

Jenna, (the gorgeous blonde pictured above) is one of my newest, and closest friends. We met in a somewhat unorthodox way- I transferred to Boston College my junior year, and quickly became close friends with all of my boyfriend Sean's (the guy in the tie) friends at BC- one of whom (the other guy in the suit jacket) was Blake- Jenna's boyfriend! So as you might be guessing, Jenna and I became friends through the boys' friendship. 

However, it's somewhat of a long-distance friendship as she and Blake are from Minnesota, and she attends Miami University in Ohio! Junior year, we were lucky enough to have her visit for a weekend (I say we, but in all actuality her visit was really for Blake ;)) We had a blast that weekend, realized how similar we were and since then we have only gotten closer!

Lately communication has been slightly more challenging though- as she is spending the semester 3407 miles away across the Atlantic Ocean in MADRID the capital & largest city of Spain!

Talk about jealousy! Naturally, as Jenna está viviendo la vida española (I knew there was a reason I took 8 years of Spanish) I am living vicariously through her glamorous weekend excursions all over Europe, and wishing I was there too!

She writes about her travels and her experience studying abroad on her blog Un Semestre en el Extranjéro. It is so fabulous to read about all of the fun she is having navigating her way through Spain (and any/all surrounding countries)!

If you're looking to escape the dreary, cold, winter months here in the good old USA- then you should definitely head over to her blog and take a minute to indulge in her pictures and hilarious commentary on her travels. 

Seriously...the pictures are gorgeous and she is super fun- I promise it will be worth your while!

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