

Remembering Someone Incredible

Andrew Rhodes Bourland

When I was a junior in high school I met two of the most important people in my life. They are my best friends, they are my sisters, they are family. 

Catherine {Cate} Hathaway Hannum (heres her blog!) 
 Elinor {Nora} Walker Hannum (and here's hers!)

We were fast friends and before we could even blink, we had become very large parts of each others' families. When I met Cate and Nora I was lucky enough not only to gain two remarkable best friends, but the relationships that I had with their family members-their sister Charlotte, and especially with their Mother-Mrs. B were unexpected and unparalleled.  

The three of us, Cate, Nora and I experienced, and went through many difficult times together over the years. Experiencing things that most 17, 18, 19 year olds haven't typically been faced with experiencing. 

This time of year, in 2009 the girls were dealing with an incredibly difficult reality, their step-father whom they adored and who was an incredibly influential, loving, and supportive figure in their lives- was battling a devastating illness. An illness that he had been dealing with for years; cardiomyopathy. He was an incredible man, and one who I am lucky enough to say I was able to meet and get to know, but most importantly I take joy in remembering the way he continually put smiles on everyones faces, and in particular adding an air of happiness and light to Cate and Nora's lives each and every day

Today, on February 16, 2013, as I do every February 16th I am thinking of my best friends, their mother Jeanne, younger sister Charlotte, and step-siblings as today marks the anniversary of Andy's passing. As hard as it is to believe, it was 4 years ago today when we first said our goodbyes. Where has the time gone?

Remembering Andy brings happiness to my day. Thinking of the afternoons spent in their kitchen chatting away and laughing together as Andy sat reading the paper, but out of anything, I will always be thankful to Andy for the brightness he brought to my friends' lives. Two absolutely wonderful girls, who I am lucky to have in my life.

Thinking of you Andy

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